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Adipocyte‐Derived Exosomal MTTP Suppresses Ferroptosis and
It is found that microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTTP) expression is increased in the plasma exosomes of CRC patients with a high body fat ratio, serving as an inhibitor of ferroptosis and reducing sensitivity to chemotherapy. Mechanistically, the MTTP/proline‐rich acidic protein 1 (PRAP1) complex inhibited zinc
RSF-12 SF6气体绝缘环网柜
RSF-12 SF6气体绝缘环网柜 RSF-12系列充气柜气箱采用高品质3mm厚的不锈钢外壳。不锈钢板材由激光切割成形,经过先进的技术的焊接机械手自动焊接而成,确保气箱的气密性。 气箱内充的SF6气体经过同步抽真空检漏;负
MTTP microsomal triglyceride transfer protein
Clinical resource with information about MTTP, A possible mechanism behind autoimmune disorders discovered by genome-wide linkage and association analysis in celiac disease., Abetalipoproteinaemia, and available tests. There are links to practice guidelines and authoritative resources like GeneReviews, PubMed, MedlinePlus,
Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein: From Lipid
Hussain MM, Iqbal J, Anwar K, Rava P, Dai K (2003) Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein: a multifunctional protein. Front Biosci 8:s500–s506. CAS PubMed Google Scholar Hussain MM, Shi J, Dreizen P (2003) Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein and its role in apoB-lipoprotein assembly. J Lipid Res 44:22–32
LGSA 系列气体全方位绝缘开关设备-环网柜-LS电气
Mttp microsomal triglyceride transfer protein [ (Norway rat)]
microsomal triglyceride transfer protein large subunit. GeneRIFs: Gene References Into Functions. Data suggest that Mttp content of liver microsomes can be altered by dietary factors; here, Mttp is up-regulated in liver microsomes of obese rats with dietary supplementation of the fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid; animal physical conditioning
XGN15 SF6高压环网柜是新一代的以六氟化硫负荷开关为主开关的环网柜,该柜采用空气绝缘,结构紧凑简单,操作灵活,安装方便,具有多重联锁的功能。配上电动机构、PT、CT、UPS、FTU等可广泛的用于配电网络自动化系统中。
Molecular and functional analysis of two new MTTP gene
Abetalipoproteinemia (ABL) is an inherited disease characterized by the defective assembly and secretion of apolipoprotein B–containing lipoproteins caused by mutations in the microsomal triglyceride transfer protein large subunit (MTP) gene (MTTP).We report here a female patient with an unusual clinical and biochemical ABL phenotype.
1、环网柜 环网柜是一个约定俗成的叫法,原指的是负荷开关柜用于环网式供电,现在经常被人当作负荷开关柜的代名词,而不管是否被用于环网式供电。 2、进线柜 (1)进线柜:就是从外部引进电源的开关柜,一般是从供电网络引入10KV电源,10KV电源经过开关柜将电能送到10KV母线,这个开关柜就是
Mttp microsomal triglyceride transfer protein [ (house mouse)]
Orthologous to human MTTP (microsomal triglyceride transfer protein). [provided by Alliance of Genome Resources, Apr 2022] Mttp microsomal triglyceride transfer protein [ (house mouse)] Gene ID: 17777, updated on 12-May-2024. Summary. Enables cholesterol transfer activity; phosphatidylethanolamine transfer activity; and
5 Best MPPT Charge Controllers
Pros: Excellent build quality, my favorite wire terminals, 150V PV voltage limit Cons: Must make custom charging profile if using with lithium batteries, Bluetooth monitoring is harder to set up Best for: Those looking for a charge controller with great build quality; users with lead acid batteries; users with lithium batteries who don''t mind
MPPT,即Maximum Power Point Tracking的简称,中文为"最高大功率点跟踪",它是指逆变器根据外界不同的环境温度、光照强度等特性来调节光伏阵列的输出功
谁能告诉我什么是环网柜,用在哪里?如果柜型按照开关设备分类,有负荷开关柜、断路器柜、GIS等,并没有什么环网柜。环网柜 是一个约定俗成的叫法,原指的是负荷开关柜用于环网式供电,现在经常被人当作负荷开关柜的
最高大功率点跟踪 (Maximum Power Point Tracking,简称MPPT)是光伏发电系统中的一项核心技术,它是指根据外界不同的环境温度、光照强度等特性来调节光伏
Multiple functions of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein
Microsomal triglyceride transfer protein (MTP) Evidence for an intracellular protein in the lumen of mammalian liver microsomes that transfers neutral lipids, triglycerides and cholesterol esters between phospholipid vesicles was first provided by Wetterau and Zilversmit [1,2].The protein exhibits significant preference for the transfer of
随着配电网建设改造等项目、工程的逐步推进和落实,大量的手动开关柜需要进行技术升级改造。为了满足改造后一二次设备融合的技术要求,必须进行合理的电气控制工艺设计。 电气控制柜总体配置图、总接线图设计及各部分的电器装配图与接线图设计。
Regulation of microsomal triglyceride transfer protein
A basic microsomal triglyceride transfer protein promoter depicting various cis-elements and transcription factors that bind to these elements. Various regulatory cis-elements are located in the 600 bp upstream of the transcription start site.These elements bind to various transcription factors (activators) resulting in increased microsomal triglyceride transfer
MPPT charge controller calculator: Find the right solar charge
But, don''t worry! I got you covered To make your life easier, I''ve made an MPPT size calculator that will do all the heavy lifting and give you a direct link to the charge controller best suited for your needs.. Below the MPPT calculator, I''ll give you 3 examples of different-sized solar arrays and battery banks that''ll illustrate this for you.
8DJ20-12 24kV全方位绝缘高压环网柜_大亚电器集团有限公司
产品概述 8DJ20-12/24KV 型气体绝缘紧凑型金属封闭开关设备(以下简称充气柜) 是大亚电器集团有限公司引进国外先进的技术技术,采用模块化设计,以其固定式与灵活扩展的完美无缺统一,以适合终端用户或网络节点的要求,同时满足各种配电开闭所,箱式变电站,电缆分支箱的需要,开关柜具有全方位封闭、免维护
MTTP microsomal triglyceride transfer protein [Homo sapiens
MTP encodes the large subunit of the heterodimeric microsomal triglyceride transfer protein. Protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) completes the heterodimeric microsomal triglyceride transfer protein, which has been shown to play a central role in lipoprotein assembly. Mutations in MTP can cause abetalipoproteinemia.
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) is a comprehensive, authoritative compendium of human genes and genetic phenotypes that is freely available and updated daily. The full-text, referenced overviews in OMIM contain information on all known mendelian disorders and over 15,000 genes. OMIM focuses on the relationship
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